
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Specifiying connection string in Registry

go to start-->Run-->regedit Registory editor opens..

right click on Software and to add new key by name Myproject..(right click software new->key)

then go to Myproject and rightclick to add new key by name proj01(same as above)

after creating the proj01 key ..right click on the right pane to add a string value..to do that
right click on right pane new->string value

here the connection string can be specified in the string value in the "data" column and name as "ConnKey"

" server=;database=MyDatabase;uid=user01;pwd=user01; "

go to web.config
in <appSettings> section write the folowing code


<add key="RegistryPath" value="SOFTWARE\MyProject\Proj01"/>


to get the connection string from the registry path
public static string GetConnectionString()
string ConnString = string.Empty;
RegistryKey regPath = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RegistryPath"].ToString(), false);
if (regPath != null)
ConnString = regPath.GetValue("ConnKey").ToString();
throw new Exception("Error in establishing Connection with the DataBase");
catch (Exception e)
throw e;
return ConnString;

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